INSI Transport &

Transport & Mobility

Transport & Mobility

INSI`'`s Transport & Mobility service focuses on gathering and analyzing data to evaluate current and future transportation needs. Our expert team begins by developing a comprehensive transportation system database, essential for technical analysis and understanding existing physical conditions, traffic volumes, and flow patterns. Our services include:

• Evaluation of Existing Plans: We review and assess the client`'`s current goals, objectives, policies, and transportation plans, identifying conflicts and evaluating the impacts of future economic development and land use.
• Land Use Analysis: Comprehensive analyses of existing land use patterns inform our recommendations to enhance inter-city mobility. This involves assessing public transport systems, pedestrian pathways, and bicycle routes.
• Infrastructure Assessment: We specialize in evaluating road conditions, protective buffers, and existing transportation infrastructure. Our assessments include:
o Expansion and categorization of local and national roads
o Traffic circulation patterns
o Use of roads by various transport modes (cars, pedestrians, bicycles)
o Estimation of current public parking spaces and future needs
o Assessment of municipal technical and financial capacities to implement necessary infrastructure improvements
• Recommendations for Urban Mobility: Our team compiles actionable recommendations to enhance urban mobility. We utilize models to analyze the impacts of operational improvements, such as:
o Intersection enhancements (turn lanes, traffic signalization)
o Signal timing coordination
o Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) strategies These models support corridor and subarea studies, ensuring data-driven decisions for transportation planning.

INSI`'`s Expertise in Urban Mobility Planning
INSI has played a pivotal role in creating the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the Municipality of Prizren. This strategic document aims to address the transportation challenges while promoting eco-friendly, sustainable mobility solutions. INSI`'`s team, working in close collaboration with the Municipality of Prizren and international organizations like UNDP, developed an integrated framework focusing on:
• Improving transport infrastructure
• Reducing traffic congestion
• Enhancing public and non-motorized transportation systems
• Promoting pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environments
• Implementing smart solutions like traffic management and intelligent transport systems.
Through our comprehensive analysis, including road infrastructure, traffic flows, and mobility patterns, INSIs vision is to foster sustainable urban mobility that contributes to better air quality and a higher standard of living for the residents of Prizren. We have evaluated and compared multiple urban mobility scenarios to propose an optimal solution that not only aligns with EU mobility guidelines but also addresses local challenges. Completed Urban Mobility Plans
1. Drafting of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the Municipality of Fushë Kosova;
2. Development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the city of Prizren; United Nations Development Programme, UNDP;
3. Development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the city of Suhareka; United Nations Development Programme, UNDP.
Why Choose INSI for Mobility Planning?
• Proven track record in large-scale urban projects.
• Expertise in integrating smart mobility solutions into urban planning.
• A deep understanding of regional and international best practices in transportation.

INSIs capability extends beyond Kosovo, with the ability to deliver urban mobility solutions in countries such as Germany, USA, and other international markets, adhering to relevant legislations and ensuring sustainable growth. Contact us to make your city move towards a greener, smarter, and more connected future!

Our Projects
1. Drafting of the sustainable urban mobility plan for the Municipality of Fushë Kosova, 2019 - 2021
2. Development of the PQMU for the city of Prizren and the PQMU for the city of Suhareka, 2023 - 2024, United Nations Development Programme, UNDP

Urban Mobility Plan

Urban Mobility Plans

INSI has successfully completed Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans for multiple municipalities, including Prizren, Suhareka, and Fushë Kosova. These critical documents aim to address traffic issues within urban areas and implement innovative solutions to enhance mobility. Key activities included:

• Real-Time Traffic Flow Measurements: Utilizing advanced drones and camera technology, INSI conducted extensive traffic flow measurements over several months, capturing data 24/7 to identify peak traffic movements.
• Data Processing: The collected data was processed with cutting-edge software to convert raw measurements into meaningful statistical insights.
• Simulated Traffic Scenarios: INSI developed stimulated scenarios to predict potential future traffic flows, helping stakeholders understand and plan for upcoming challenges.
• Climate Change Analysis: Each plan incorporates additional analyses of interconnections with climate change, ensuring that transportation strategies are sustainable and resilient to environmental impacts. These plans not only resolve existing traffic problems but also lay the groundwork for sustainable mobility solutions that consider the effects of climate change on transportation networks. INSI has recently finished drafting the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Fushë Kosova. Throughout preparing this vital document that will resolve traffic problems within the urban area, INSI has carried out various real-time traffic flow measurements using sophisticated high-tech drones and camera recordings that were later processed by the latest computer software to process statistical data. In order to identify peak traffic movements, these measurements were conducted throughout various months of the year and in each period, from seven days/24 hours. In addition, INSI has also produced stimulated scenarios regarding the potential traffic flows that could develop in the near future, using the latest state-of-art software.
INSI së fundi ka përfunduar me hartimin e Planit të Qëndrueshëm të Lëvizshmërisë Urbane për Fushë Kosovën. Gjatë përgatitjes së këtij dokumenti shumë të rëndësishëm ,që do të zgjidhë në masë problemet e trafikut brenda zonës urbane, INSI ka kryer matje të ndryshme të fluksit të trafikut në kohë reale duke përdorur drone të sofistikuar të teknologjisë së lartë dhe regjistrime me kamera, të cilat më vonë u përpunuan nga softver më i fundit kompjuterik për të konvertuar në të dhënat statistikore. Për të identifikuar lëvizjet kulmore të trafikut, këto matje u kryen gjatë muajve të ndryshëm të vitit dhe në çdo periudhë ,nga shtatë ditë/24 orë. Përveç kësaj, INSI ka prodhuar gjithashtu skenarë të stimuluar në lidhje me flukset e mundshme të trafikut që mund të zhvillohen në të ardhmen e afërt, duke përdorur softuer më të fundit të teknologjisë.